Research Projects

Sustainable Plan for Integrated Development through the European Rail network - Projecting Logistics & mobility for Urban Spatial design evolution

Towards new Rail freight quality and concepts in the European Network in the respect to market demand

Transit via Innovative Gateway concepts solving European - intermodal Rail needs, is a Large Scale Integrated Collaborative Project for the development of Rail transport in competitive and co-modal freight logistics chains.

CAPACITY4RAIL aims at paving the way for the future railway system, delivering coherent, demonstrated, innovative and sustainable solutions.

Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport ­ Intelligent Energy Europe Initiative, European Commission

­New Economy Statistical Information System

­Trans-Rail Integrated Goods EuropeanExpress– Routes DEMOnstrators

accompany the pilots of the TIGER project and turn them into full scale demonstrators.

­European Communication on Research Awareness Needs - to improve the EU Citizens’ knowledge about independent medical research and promote their participation to independent and multinational clinical trials, by means of communication materials.


Smart Urban Freight Solutions

Future Internet for Smart Energy - Project of the Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FI-PPP) Programme for the development of solutions for societal challenges

MAke RAil The HOpe for protecting Nature shows the effectiveness of operating faster, longer and heavier freight trains on selected European routes, driving the rail freight service modernization.

COordinating resources to assess and improve HEalth status of MIgrants from Latin America.

Projects in this list have not been carried out by Redmint as a company, but represent the professional experience of single Redmint’s members.