Green mobility solutions for Pioneering Actions Toward a Healthy and sustainable commuting

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2021-2027, Call 2
Runtime: 01.05.2024 – 31.10.2026
GreenPATH will develop an integrated an innovative approach to commuting in CE functional urban areas (FUAs). GreenPATH will co-design smart and green mobility solutions targeted to public and private stakeholders, co-designed with Mobility Managers, that will benefit from the project’s output by ensuring sustainable mobility solutions to students and employees.
The project addresses the common challenge towards decarbonising urban mobility in CE through a set of solutions – tested through pilots – strategies and action plans developed by a unique ensemble of 11 Project Partners (local public Administration, mobility agencies and operators, universities and research bodies) and 12 Associated Partners located in a region where transport remains the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The GreenPATH project specifically focuses on promoting sustainable mobility options within Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) and addressing the challenges related to mobility management and commuting from home to work. The cooperation among partners will elaborate a common strategy for the integrated governance of commuters flows in FUAs, deliver a proven approach to participated mobility management, and a range of co-designed innovative solutions to be scaled up in FUAs.
GreenPATH tackles the identified challenges and needs through a comprehensive and innovative approach, going beyond existing practices by considering the unique characteristics and demands of each FUA and integrating the strategies outlined in the SUMPs. The use of new technologies and data-sharing platforms will be enhanced to optimize transport efficiency and improve the overall commuting experience. By leveraging innovative tools and solutions, such as smart mobility applications and data analytics, GreenPATH aims to provide commuters with real-time information, personalized travel options, and seamless integration of different modes of transport.
Transnational cooperation is crucial for the successful implementation of the GreenPATH project and the achievement of its objectives, since only a transnational approach brings added value to the expertise of each PP and project area. The consortium, comprising diverse organizations from Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and Croatia, ensures the integration of unique perspectives and practices, enriching the project with a broader understanding of the challenges and potential solutions. Moreover, transnational cooperation will allow to overcome national legislation and create mobility management tools applicable across the entire Programme Area.
GreenPATH comprises a wide set of outputs, among which Formal Cooperation and Long-Term Relations, 3 Collaborative Solutions – made by sets of mobility management measures – for Sustainable Mobility, tested in 3 pilots deployed throughout FUAs governed or operated by PPs and APs. The set of outputs is completed by the GreenPATH Strategy and 7 Action Plans for each FUA, for the take up and further implementation of the solutions will be officially adopted by decision makers. Through the delivery of mentioned solutions, pilots, strategies and action plans, GreenPATH addresses programme results connected to cooperation across borders after project completion, solutions and joint strategies taken up or up-scaled by Project Partners and beyond.
GreenPATH will deliver practical solutions and action plans to the benefit of a wide panel of potential users, such as Local and regional public authorities, sectoral agencies, Infrastructure and (public) service providers, Higher education and research organisations, schools, industrial and service companies, and related mobility management teams.

The project in numbers:
Project partners: 11
Pilot regions: 10
Project budget: 2,37 Mio. Euro
ERDF co-financing: 1,9 Mio. Euro
Project partners:
Institute for Transport and Logistics (IT), Lead Partner
Municipality of Monza (IT)
Redmint s.c.r.l. (IT)
Central European Initiative (IT)
Technische Universität Berlin (DE)
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
University of Maribor (SI)
Mobilissimus Ltd. (HU)
Kecskemét Transport Center Ltd. (HU)
DYVOLVE d.o.o. (HR)
City of Osijek (HR)
Associated partner:
EUREF AG, Berlin (DE)
Regione Emilia Romagna – Direzione Generale Cura del Territorio e dell’Ambiente (IT)
Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Servizio trasporto pubblico regionale e locale (IT)
Gradski prijevoz putnika d.o.o. (HR)
iMpronta di Massimo Infunti (IT)
BePooler Srl (IT)
Comune di Ravenna (IT)
Autorità di sistema portuale del Mare Adriatico centrosettentrionale (IT)
Monza Mobilità s.r.l. (IT)
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