e-MObility Transnational strategy for an Interoperable COmmunity and Networking in the Alpine Space
Contracting Authority: Regione Lombardia, Technical Assistance
Runtime: June 2017 – January 2019
eMOTICON was a project of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020 and its objective was to contribute to the homogeneous diffusion of Electric Mobility throughout the Alpine Space, providing a transnational strategy for seamless use of electric vehicles and charging spots with an integrated approach supported by PAs. The strategy, based on best practices of interoperability and on a European roaming framework, will be used in planning Electric Charging Stations (E-CS) with public access and will contribute to increase options for low carbon mobility in the AS.
In order to overcome the lack of interoperability of E-CS caused by a limited knowledge of technological options and business models potential as well as by the lack of harmonisation between planning instruments, e-MOTICON fostered an integrated approach to e-mobility, planning and operating of E-CS.
Redmint was supporting the project partner Regione Lombardia in management, technical and communication activities.
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