Capacities for dynamic and flexible planning for low-carbon
mobility trends and policies in Central Europe
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2014-2020, Call 4
Runtime: 01.03.2020 – 28.02.2022
Newer forms of mobility, such as connected and automated driving, and MaaS ‘Mobility as a Service’, blur classic understandings of mobility options. Dynaxibility4CE will ensure the effective integration of these new mobility offers into Central European transport systems and policies by facilitating planning that is more dynamic and flexible.
The Interreg CE project Dynaxibility4CE aims to increase the ability of public transport authorities to deal with new mobility trends by developing strategies and tools that strengthen their planning capacities, thereby making them key actors for creating low-carbon and low-pollution mobility systems in cities and regions.
Dynaxibility4CE will support cities with the preparation, analysis and planning stage of their SUMP. This will include a focus on methodological tools, like air quality measurement, as well as training and knowledge platforms to meet the challenges of the cities. Therefore, public transport authorities in CE will be enabled to plan more dynamically and flexibly for emerging innovative mobility solutions for greener and cleaner mobility systems in Central Europe’s functional urban areas in the future.
The project promotes exchange between partners by providing opportunities to share knowledge, as well as different solutions to the common problem of pollution and the associated health risks in city centres.
Dynaxibility4CE’s outputs to improve low-carbon mobility planning capacities are linked to low-carbon mobility and clean air policies and will help to attain European goals to halve conventional car use by 2030 and to reduce emissions by 60% by 2050, agreeing with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement calling to reduce GHGs in the EU by at least 40%.
Our project is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program, which encourages cooperation on shared challenges in Central Europe.
Redmint is leading the work package on “Strategies and Action Plans for planning for low-carbon mobility
trends and to improve air quality” and will help developing strategies on how to engage stakeholders in designing and planning services and networks according to new mobility trends like sharing, MaaS or CAD building on methodologies for local engagement and codesign developed within the Shareplace project framework. Redmint will also work at the enhancement of the SUMP 2.0 approach on MaaS with specific focus on functional areas, supporting the application of MaaS principles, shared and flexible mobility not only in densely populated but also in low demand areas. Moreover, Redmint will support – together with PP11 ATE – the integration of the three conceptual policy foci of the project (CAD, MaaS, UVAR) into the action plan developments on FUA level, by extending the Living Labs concepts tested in Shareplace to the FUAs involved in the project.
The project in numbers:
- 13 project partners
- 7 countries
- 7 cities
- 1 million € ERDF funding
Project partners:
- Leipzig Transport Company (LVB)
- Rupprecht Consult
- POLIS Network
- Redmint Impresa Sociale
- Mobilissimus
- BKK Centre for Budapest Transport
- Municipality of Parma
- Regional Agency for the prevention, environment and energy in Emilia-Romagna Region (ARPAE)
- Krakow Public Transport Authority
- Stuttgart Region (VRS)
- Austriatech
- City of Koprivnica
- City of Graz
For more information, visit the project’s website or follow our news on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.
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